Two-dimension cormorants


Royal terns

More terns:

. . . → Continue reading Royal terns

Black vulture

Black vulture is a relative to Turkey vulture, but lives only on the south part of North America. I met this company in the Everglades National Park, Florida.

. . . → Continue reading Black vulture


More osprey:


White pelican

Pelican lives in San Diego zoo. More:

Black-caped chickadee


Cormorant family

Cormorant are defiantly tender in family life. Every time when cormorant-male return to the nest he brings new branch for their house (cormorant nest is big pile of branches built disorderly). This new branch is solemnly presented to cormorant-female. She accepts and the quickly do sex (birds . . . → Continue reading Cormorant family

Mirror for Shuksan

On West Coast every mountain has its own lake, in which it reflects in its best way. Only some such lakes can be reached by car, but there are no even trails to others. Mirror for Shuksan can be reached by car and it is called Picture . . . → Continue reading Mirror for Shuksan


The best thing in flamingos is their curves.