Mt Brew – ski version

Two weeks ago I skied to Mt Brew and it was perfect trip.

Hike to Mt Brew in summer version can be viewed here.

First time I tried skied to Mt Brew in 2012, at the beginning of my friendship with AT ski, but we met problems with our equipment and returned from the middle of the trip.
This time, in Saturday, March 22, we were at the trail-head at noon. Traditionally it was light raining. But we were lucky, an hour later the sun appeared, and next day also was perfectly sunny.
Fist 7 kilometers you ski on the logging road, next 3-4 km in the forest, and after the rest on alpine meadows.
I didn’t make any photos on the road this time, but I have some from our trip on 2012, so first three photos below from the previous trip, and all the next from this one.

Start of the trip. The weather was mostly the same kind.

And improvement of the weather was very similar.

We missed the turn to the trail in the forest a little bit. The trail is marked, but first mark is difficult to see from the road. And the last person used this trail pretty far ago, so the old ski-trail was not visible. But the map and GPS is enough for success.
Entrance to the forest:

Spruces under the snow are always beautiful.

Came into nice little couloir.

Snow is already in spring conditions – very sticky.

To the hut on the ridge our little group came first, later, already in the dark, two other groups came.

And the next day was bright and sunny.

Mt Fee

We skied to the Mt Brew to make some photos.



And skiing down:

Via the forest:

And on the road:

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