Mt Baker – 2011

-Ladies, what are you doing here?
-Climbed Mt Baker.
-To drink beer after.
(Chat with barman in pub near Baker)

Some of my friend have opinion that Mt Baker should be climbed annually. I did it first time in 2009, skipped in 2010, and in 2011 promised my friend to do it with her. Mt Baker (3286 meters) is the second volcano in Cascades by activity after Mt Saint Helen and the second one by ice accumulation after Mt Rainier. Silver medal.

South rout was chosen again, but with different approach to glacier. Parking, 1000 meters. Two years ago, at the same time, the forest and meadows were clear form snow up to glacier. This year even parking partly covered by snow.

Snow melts, willow, blueberry and cowslip bloom at the same time.

Our goal ahead of us:

At his creek any spring signs disappeared and only snow left.

Moraine. Only narrow part is free from snow.

Huge colony of hoary marmots try to find food on tho moraine. It was bad summer for them, many didn’t survive next winter.


Formal camp site. Well, only formal part is the presence of toilets. But what are toilets! Where also you can find restroom with 360 degree view?!

Our place for night. Altitude is 1900 meters.

My friend promised to take shovel, but forgot, so prepared place for tent by cattle lid.

Our neighbors could not see this and lend their shovel.

Evening movie:

I so hate early wake that decided do it at 5 am instead of 3 am. We started at 6-30, most other did it much earlier.

Black Butts. Baker as volcano exist many-many years, and present summit is not it’s firs or second cone. Black Butts is the remains of previous cone.

Going up along crevasses.

Fallen warrior

Sherman Peak with fumarole.

Last steps to summit

View from the top to Sherman peak

It was cold and windy on the top, so we quickly run down and were at camp at 2 pm.
Sometimes on glacier you can meet very strange creatures. Black widow.

On our way down the idea of the glass of cold fresh ale become obsessive. To the car we almost run to be in time in small brewery down. We were in place 15 minutes before it close. It was the tastiest beer in my life!

The next meeting with Mt Baker happen again after two years.

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