Expectable Baker

After Adams, where our friend became familiar with crampons and an ice axe, it was only logical to continue her study on Mt Baker. It is lower than Adams, 3285 metres, but has a much more significant glacier, with . . . → Continue reading Expectable Baker

New climbing season – Mt Baker

Last weekend we opened climbing season. Old chap Mt Backer from south approach. It was not snowy winter this year, and all crevasses are already open. But it was sunny and warm.

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Mt Baker in the fog

On long weekend of July 4th I wanted to do something new and unusual. But all my plans failed, and the only variant that appeared was climbing Mt Baker. Again. Well, at least last I was on Baker in 2011, and I always climbed from . . . → Continue reading Mt Baker in the fog

Mt Baker – 2011

-Ladies, what are you doing here? -Climbed Mt Baker. -Why? -To drink beer after. (Chat with barman in pub near Baker)

Some of my friend have opinion that Mt Baker should be climbed annually. I did it first time in 2009, skipped in 2010, and . . . → Continue reading Mt Baker – 2011

Mt Baker – 2009 – summit

Three weeks after first attempt I decided that it is a time to do it. It was my short vacation time, I had a guest from other coast, who also wanted to do something adventurous, so Mt Baker came in our schedule. Based on my . . . → Continue reading Mt Baker – 2009 – summit

Mt Baker – 2009 – exploratory attack

My relationship with Mt Baker started in 2009. I lived in Victoria at those times and most of my travels were complicated by ferry traffic between Island and mainland. It was July 1st, Canada day, and time for some adventure. It was decided to try Mt . . . → Continue reading Mt Baker – 2009 – exploratory attack

Mount Baker and Snow Owls

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These photos were taken in the middle of January. Second year snow owls spend a winter on the northern west coast. This time it was difficult to come close enough, but at leas the view . . . → Continue reading Mount Baker and Snow Owls