Sun gleam among overcast

– What is the first sunny day after heavy rainy ones?
– Monday
North Coast folklore

Spring and fall are very rainy seasons in Seattle, but even at this time you can find some sun. Only two hours drive from Seattle by road # 2 and you are in Leavenworth, pseudo-Bavarian village. For many people Leavenworth is beer, sausages and funny houses. But also it is mountains and sunny weather.
In may, after long weeks under we rain we escaped to Leavenworth in the hope for hike. Many trail were still close because of snow, but not all. We chosen trail “July 4th” that lead to the Icicle Ridge. 12 miles round trip, altitude on the ridge – 2140 meters, elevation gain – 1330 meters. Trail is dry, but it the spring still have some water, so there are plenty blooming flowers around.

Columbia lewisia (Lewisia columbiana)

View to the valley:

It is the dry place, so fire is happen pretty often that leave many dead trees.

The top of the ridge was still under the snow, but just below snow line flowers bloomed.

More lewisia

Arrowleaf balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)

Spreading Phlox (Phlox diffusa)

and wild orchid:

lizard on the rock

And beer and sausage after hike, of course.
Nice place, very recommend for spring and autumn.

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