Mt Rainier, July 2013

First time I reached top of Mt Rainier in 2011, but success should be nailed down, so in July 2013 I repeated the climbing by same rout, but in other company.

White River moraine:

Lupines blooming just below the glacier:

So many people planned to climb Rainier, that we could not get permit for camping on Camp Schurman, but only on the ridge above the Inter Glacier.
To the camp place:

Tent, supper and sleep.

At 3 am started our way to the summit.

Sunrise catched us up on the middle of slope.




On the summit we saw beautiful unusual thing, but it worth the separate post.
Time to go down.

Ridge with our camp:


Flowers blooming on 3000 meter with glacier around them.

Lunch, packing and way to home.

It was beautiful climb without any problem. Nothing to talk about 🙂

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