Ape Cave and Mt St Helens, 2012 – day two

Read here about day one!

Next day we waked up at 5 am to climb Mt Helens. Sun was promised, but unfortunately for us they also add -15C to weather conditions. And it was for town at day time, not for summit with it 2500 meters elevation.
At 7-30 am we we at Marble Mt Snow Park parking (detailed map in Day Firs post). Elevation is 800 meters. It is really cold! So another hour we had breakfast in the car, filled permits, changed gear and did many other thing to delay out communication with the environment. But at 8-30 we couldn’t find anything else to do and finally started.

It is about one hour skiing from parking though the forest.

But forest is over now and it is Sh Helens ahead of us.

But sun is shining!

The cloud above the summit become smaller and smaller.

The trace of alone skier is disappeared on fores border and only pure snow ahead of us.

From where we came? And for what?

From here. But the reason is still mystery.

At the elevation 1500 meters the ice replaced snow. So, we left our skies, put crampons and continued go up.

Summit ahead of us:

The slope is pattern of ice and knee-deep snow. This give fan variation in movements.

Mt Adam is behind this cloud. Read about climbing on Mt Adams here.

A little later the top of Adam appeared.

View behind us:

Mt Hood:

We are on the crater rim. With view on Mt Rainier.

Mt St Helens is very active volcano, it is hot in the crater.

We were on the top at 5 pm. Time to hurry up down.


At 5 pm were on the parking lot. Eleven and half hours for everything. And seven hours more to driving home.

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