Ancient Volcanic Glory

My first non-winter visit to Mt St Helen was at the end of March 2015.
Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano about 100 km south of Seattle. History of its activity is fresh even from human point of view, not only from volcanic ones. In 1980 the volcano exploded, shortened itself on half kilometer, and covered with thick layer of ash huge territory. Even Saskatchewan got its portion of ash.

We already were on the summit of St Helens. We made it from the south, of course, because the volcano is still active, and there is no way through the crater, which is on the north side of the mountain. Nothing reminds you about fresh volcanic activity on the south slopes. They have volcanic tubes (some are very interesting), but they are all the traces of the ancient activity. Up to alpine line south slopes covered with old-grown forest and above are rocks and snow. Only from the edge of crater you can see that the volcano is still active.

I wanted to see how damaged northern part of the mountain looks like after 35 years. It is prohibited (and dangerous) to visit the crater, but there are many trails below.

From the road. The mountains looks more like a gutter from this point of view.

Mt Adams, another volcano.

We planned to drive to Observatory, but the road was closed because of the winter (March 29, I have no idea when the spring officially starts here). So we drove to another point, Hummocks.

The altitude of the Hummocks is about 700 meter. It is warm, looks like spring.
The fine for tactile contact with frogs is $250. I agree, frogs and toads must be respected!

Frogs are already awake from winter sleep. Volcano bombarding made many huge holes in the surface, now they are filled with water and serves as a home for numerous frogs. They are singing and waiting for spring love.

All these territories were covered with many meters of ash. After 35 years life established here again. Everything is covered with moss, and even small trees and some grass appeared.

Strawberry is already blooming.

This place is far away from crater, still all slopes are covered with fallen dry trees, but the new ones started to grow.

This photo is made from the place near Observatory. The crater and new cone in it are easily seen from here. The cone actively grown from 2005 to 2008, and new explosion was waited. However? the growth stop, but the volcano can change its mind again any time.

We are going toward Spirit Lake. Mt Margaret on the left.

Spirit Lake. The islands are not real ones, but piles of floating logs.

View from the lake side.


The landscape is post-apocalyptic, nice decoration for alien invasion movie.

Here are aliens.

Mosses with sporangi.

After 14 kilometers of hike we realized that we must turn back, if we want to be near the car before sunset. Elevation is about 1200 meters here.

St Helens with evening shadows.

Last view from the road.

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