Mother Mount loop

Three years ago we explored the part of Mother Mount trail in Mt Rainier National Park. It was the middle of July, sprig at this altitude, a heavy fog covered everything, so we saw only flowers near the trail. We hiked to the highs point of the trail. The perfect view was promised from this point, but we saw only fog, of course. Since that time the thought to make the whole loop of Mother Mount trail lived in our heads.

So, on the first weekend of October, we hit the Mother Mount trail again.

Our GPS-track. The central mountain is Rainier itself, Mother Mount is the highest point in the circle of our track.

The length of rout – 35 km, total elevation gain – 1906 meters.

Mowich Lake locates pretty high (arrow on the map), and last time we hiked counterclockwise to quickly reach the alpine zone. This time we went clockwise, so, first, we descend to the canyon, next, climbed from the canyon, and were mostly close to Rainier at the end of our trip.

Mowich Lake in sunny day.

Most part of the trail goes through the forest, and you can see only trees around.

Rainier becomes visible from the river.

The bridge via the river.

To the most interesting part, we came already in the darkness.

Fresh snow.

Rainier in the sunset light.

And under the moon.

To the car, we came in complete darkness.

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