More and more traditional Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake and its neighbourhood in Rainier NP become a pretty traditional place for hiking with friends, when I need a picturesque but not too strenuous hike in the mountains.

The last time I went here with a friend in last September, this year I was . . . → Continue reading More and more traditional Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake

Our state started to open (very slowly) different kind of parks, mainly for day use. The small part of Rainier NP is also opened now. It includes the trail to Crystal lake. We usually ignore such short hikes, but most places still under the snow or closed because . . . → Continue reading Crystal Lake

Mother Mount loop

Three years ago we explored the part of Mother Mount trail in Mt Rainier National Park. It was the middle of July, sprig at this altitude, a heavy fog covered everything, so we saw only flowers near the trail. We hiked to the . . . → Continue reading Mother Mount loop

Hiking under Tacoma Glacier

Mt Rainier National Park is good not only for Mt Rainier summit climbing but also for hiking around among very picturesque surroundings. In the first Sunday of August, we made a circle around Emerald Ridge in the west part of the park under the Tacoma Glacier.

. . . → Continue reading Hiking under Tacoma Glacier

Mt Rainier again

Every year I and Co climb Mt Rainier. Well, not exactly every year, but sometimes we do it twice a year, so, on average every year. Hereyou can see some of these climbs with photos. Last year we planned but didn’t have a . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier again

Mt Rainier – 2014

If you live in Washington state, you have no chance to avoid Rainier climbing at least once in couple years. In 2014 we decided to spend night higher when usual, maybe even in the crater. Muir rout . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier – 2014

Marmot dinner

More of marmot:

Mother Mount trail

In the middle of July we hiked around Mother Mount in the Mount Rainier National Park. The trail length is about 15 km with elevation gain about 500 meters. It is nice alpine trail with perfect view if this view is not totally covered with heavy fog how . . . → Continue reading Mother Mount trail