Crystal Lake

Our state started to open (very slowly) different kind of parks, mainly for day use. The small part of Rainier NP is also opened now. It includes the trail to Crystal lake. We usually ignore such short hikes, but most places still under the snow or closed because of the virus, so we use what we have.
Thus, in the last to last Saturday of May, we went to Crystal lake.
10 km (6 miles) both way, elevation gain is about 800 meters. The upper lake elevation is about 1700 metres.

Most time trail goes through the forest. From time to time Rainier appears.

Nor far from the lower lake we met a grey jay that controls this part of the trail. The bird clearly is shown that the only aim on any human on the trail is feeding the hungry bird.

She pinched the stretched out empty hand – don’t play a joke with me!

The packed snow appeared on 1400 metres and from 1500 metres it was in winter quantity.

The ice on the lower lake mostly melted, and frogs already laid eggs.

The upper lake is still under the snow.

On the way back we met the same jay and shared our lanch with her.

On the way home we notice the nice bike trail not far from the road. We even saw the name – Cedar Creek Trai. And decided to find out what is it, but it is the next story.

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