Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Clamecy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Vincelles
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Irancy
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Châtel-Censoir
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Vezelay
Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Clamecy

Late morning we arrived in the Clamecy.

Most of our party left for the walk, but we with the captain first loaded water in the boat tank (it’s become a habit – if we see the possibility get some water, we use it), and after went for a walk too.

Buy-buy, boat.

Clamecy is an old town, it is mentioned in documents from the beginning of the 7th century. In the 14th century, it was destroyed during The Hundred Years’ War but quickly rebuilt.

From the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century the town made the main profit from the timber trade. The timber from the immense forests of Morvan was processed and floated down the Yonna river to Paris.
The monument of the log driver on the bridge.

View from the bridge.

The “flottage du Bois” poster decorates the restoration constructions of a small ancient church.

The old town is on the left bank.

Clamecy made our day also from a gastronomical point of view. I don’t want to say that anywhere in Burgundy we were gastronomically unsatisfied, but in Clamcy farmers market was open exactly on the day of our visit. In those small towns, farmers’ markets usually work one day a week, usually on different days in different towns.
Cheeses, pate, pies, fruits, wines…And everything is so good! On the boat, we returned heavily loaded.

And continued our way to Tannay, where our last bike trip to the winery waited for us.

To be continued…

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