
They live in Northwest Track Park, WA


. . . → Continue reading Beavers

Spotted Lagoon Jelly

Little creatures, 3-10 cm, can be yellow or blue. Each tentacle has thousands of tiny mouths, and every moth is very hungry. They live in Tacoma aquarium. More jellies:

. . . → Continue reading Spotted Lagoon Jelly


White pelican

Pelican lives in San Diego zoo. More:

Little Arctic Fox

Two more:

Cormorant family

Cormorant are defiantly tender in family life. Every time when cormorant-male return to the nest he brings new branch for their house (cormorant nest is big pile of branches built disorderly). This new branch is solemnly presented to cormorant-female. She accepts and the quickly do sex (birds . . . → Continue reading Cormorant family


Antelope-he met antelope-she. She was so beautiful. He whispered desirable words to her…

Look like they mix up my order…

How I can eat this?!


The best thing in flamingos is their curves.


Big giraffe company lives in San Diego zoo. More portraits: