Mt Rainier again

Every year I and Co climb Mt Rainier. Well, not exactly every year, but sometimes we do it twice a year, so, on average every year. Hereyou can see some of these climbs with photos. Last year we planned but didn’t have a . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier again

Mt Rainier – 2014

If you live in Washington state, you have no chance to avoid Rainier climbing at least once in couple years. In 2014 we decided to spend night higher when usual, maybe even in the crater. Muir rout was chosen. . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier – 2014

Mt Rainier, August 2013

Climbing permit to Mt Rainier works for calendar year. If you spend money for something, you usually want to get maximum. So, although we climbed Mt Rainier in July, we decided to do it another time in August. Well, it was joke, at least partly. . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier, August 2013


Then I climbed Mt Rainier in July 2013 I saw marvelous thing on the summit. Mt Rainier is huge volcano (4392 meter), covered by thick glacier. It is cold and windy on the top. We climbed to crater and rested, when saw that the woman . . . → Continue reading Marvelous

Mt Rainier, July 2013

First time I reached top of Mt Rainier in 2011, but success should be nailed down, so in July 2013 I repeated the climbing by same rout, but in other company.

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Rainier from Paradise

In July my fried, that doesn’t share my passion to climb mountain, visited me. So all our beautiful places were visited in lazy way – no hiking, no climbing, just impression. Rainier from Paradise.

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Mt Rainier – 2011

First time I tried to climb Mt Rainier in 2009, but nasty snow conditions didn’t allow it. I recommend to check my post about that climb to compare how different mountain can looks in different years. This time i was three of as. Friday night . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier – 2011

Mount Rainier – first attempt – September 2009

In 2009 then I lived in Victoria, I found in Seattle my old friend, and we decided to celebrate reunion by climbing Mt Rainier, the highest mountain near by. Rainier is a highest volcano in Washington state, 4392 meters, covered by thick glacier. We choose north . . . → Continue reading Mount Rainier – first attempt – September 2009