Enchantment Lakes – Aasgar Pass – Colchuck Lake

First time I visited Enchantment Lakes last fall, but it was only one day trip. And I didn’t see my beloved snow goats. So, I wanted to do this trip again, but in two days to see everything in details. How I told before, without problems with permit lottery you can spent night on lake only before June 15 and after October 15. We decided to do this on last free weekend, June 13-14.
Because we prefer loop trails, we decided to go up to Enchantment Lakes via Snow Lake, cross Aasgar Pass, and come down via Colchuck Lake. We were on Clochuck Lake last year, so only unknown part was Aasgas Pass.
Saturday morning we started our way up.

First snow goats we met just on Nada Lake, it is very low altitude for them. There were she-goat with little goatling and goatling-teenager.

Goats cast the coat now and look a little unpleasant. You can see here how they look like in the fall.

Goats walked on the lake bank and ate horsetail.

We continued our way to Snow lake.
Nada Lake from the up:

Bush with strange flowers:

Another view of Nada Lake:


First thing that we met on Snow Lake was another goat:

It is much more water in Snow Lake now:

As soon as we cane to far end of Snow Lake sun was replaced by hail and rain. Although our original plan was to spend night on Enchantment Lakes, we decided to hide fro weather under thick spruces on Snow Lake.

In the morning sun was back and we went up.

Phlox blooming.

Snow Lake

Lake Vivian, the lowest of Enchantment Lakes . Altitude 2100. Snow still present, but larches are already green.

Leprechaun Lake

Goat with little baby.

Place for breakfast:

Larches in new needles and cones:

While we had breakfast the big goat-man waited for as on granite rock.

The goat is impressive, but it is time to go further.

A lot of ground squirrel in this place.

Next lake in the chain:

Some people cannot leave their women alone.

Then high we come, then more snow around.

Goat with two babies. It is seldom happen.

A little more higher:

Another goat:

View behind as:

Aasgard pass. Elevation 2400 meters. Colchuck Lake below us.

Way down to Colchuck Lake is very unpleasant: very steep, rocky and dusty.

Our last, 14th, goat.

View on the pass from the lake.

And another 8 kilometers to parking lot and beer and wursts in Leavenworth after.

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