Mt Rainier – 2014

If you live in Washington state, you have no chance to avoid Rainier climbing at least once in couple years. In 2014 we decided to spend night higher when usual, maybe even in the crater. Muir rout was chosen.


Glacier close up:

View of the Adams:

On Muir:

We wanted our lunch strongly, however Muir’s crowds pushed us to pass by and organized our lunch in the middle of the glacier behind Muir.

Place of lunch

After meal we climbed up to Disappointment Cleaver. Evening time near the top of Disappointment Cleaver:

Adams at sunset:

Rainier’s shadow:

While we a rested at the altitude 3.5 km, hummingbird came, realized that we are not flowers, and flew away. These little birds have passion to ice and rocks. It is not first time when I met them in high mountains, among rocks and glaciers.

It was sunset, so we decided not going to the summit, but spend night on the top of the Disappointment Cleaver. The only problem was place for the tent. Disappointment Cleaver is not the best place for it. Finally we digged little place in the rock and settled our tent in it.

Our hole:

And our tent in the hole:

In the late morning we got up and continued our way to the top.

In the crater:

Nobody on the top. Summit for us only.

Trail though the crater:


On the way down:

To Paradise we descended in darkness under the huge bright moon. Late we found that it was day when the Moon is max close to the Earth.

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