Mt Rainier, August 2013

Climbing permit to Mt Rainier works for calendar year. If you spend money for something, you usually want to get maximum. So, although we climbed Mt Rainier in July, we decided to do it another time in August. Well, it was joke, at least partly. My England friend asked us to take her on Rainier, and also it is also was promised to other friend for a long time, so we decided to take them both at once. Because we did it via Camp Schurman just month ago, it was decided to to it via Cam Muir by most shortest rout. The rout starts at Paradise Resort, very civilized place with hotel, restaurant, view points and huge amount of people. We spent 30 minutes only looking for parking. So, our hike started among people on high heels and in dresses.

Paradise below us:

The trail almost paved up to the snowfield:

Rainier covered by huge cloud:

Almost whole way to Cam Muir we spent in this cloud. Visibility sometimes was five meters.

Camp itself was above the cloud:

Mt Adams:

Camp Muir is a start for shortest and simple rout, and most commercial groups start here. As a result there are a lot of people here. Really, too much for me. We decided not to use our tent, but stay in hut, and I completely regreted about it. No sleep at all, people finished to go to bed at 11 pm, and other people started to wake up for climb at 11 pm. We pretended that we are resingt up to 4 am, and at 5 am started out climb as a last party.

When you start to summit from Camp Schurman, you just climb all way on glacier, ice and snow only. Start from Muir gives dry and dusty rocks at beginning.

But, at least, they are pictorial.


Sun and wind make such forms from snow.

Nice crevasse. But with already prepared steps. No fan at all:)

The trail is more like road.


On the top it was VERY strong wind.

We didn’t spend a lot of time on the top, it was too windy and cold.

More photos of crevasses on the way back.

Down, down…

Short lunch on camp Muir and run down to the car.

As a conclusion. I don’t like Muir. Yes, it is not difficult, it is beautiful, but so many people! Schurman much better.

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