Enchantment Lakes in July

We have visited Enchantment Lakes thrice already (fall, spring), but we never been in July here, so, when our friend invited us to share their permit (during the season you need permit that is very difficult to get), we immediately agreed.

Mock orange blooms along the trail to Nada Lake.

Huge waterfall at completely unexpected place is visible from Nada Lake.

I went to looking for the origin of such strange thing.


Huge water jet

And at the end of it there is granite wall with cabin,

and water coming from the huge tube.

Such disappointment for my romantic sole. Well, I knew that Leavenworth people use water from Snow lake for their trout farm, so this tube exist for this reason, but I never been here before in dry season, so I never seen it before.

Plenty of mushrooms around Snow Lake

Vivian Lake, first one in the chain of Enchantment Lakes.

Snow Lake below

Snow is still here.

Leprechaun Lake meets Vivian Lake under Prusik Peak


Leprechaun Lake

Shooting stars

Spring above Leprechaun Lake

There are trouts in the lakes. How do they survive winter? The lakes should be frozen completely to the bottom.

Isolation Lake

View to Prusik Peak

Isolation Lake

View on the lakes from the some of the mountains.

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