Country Airfield

Small American country airfields (at least on the West Coast) are very relaxed places – anybody can come and walk anywhere except airstrip (just because of safety). Very different aerial vehicles can be met – varietal aeroplanes, motor paraplanes, and even balloons.

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Then I climbed Mt Rainier in July 2013 I saw marvelous thing on the summit. Mt Rainier is huge volcano (4392 meter), covered by thick glacier. It is cold and windy on the top. We climbed to crater and rested, when saw that the woman from . . . → Continue reading Marvelous

Fremont Solstice Parade

The new summer is coming, and I didn’t show Fremont Solstice Parade from the last year yet. I already shown The Painted Cyclists of the Solstice Parade that is traditional prelude of the festival, and now is definitely time for Solstice Parade itself. Parade . . . → Continue reading Fremont Solstice Parade

The Painted Cyclists of the Solstice Parade

Many years Fremont (neighborhood of Seattle) organizes Fremont Solstice Parade. It started in the 1989, and last year I finally saw it. Fremont is a city of free arts, so the festivals here are not formal ones. I will show festival itself later, but now . . . → Continue reading The Painted Cyclists of the Solstice Parade