Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – day four (seconf half)

Rocky Mountains previous:
Day one
Day two
Golden squirrel
Day three
Day four – first half

After the Moose Pass we decided quickly climb a peak nearby. We choose the prettiest, and started. At the beginning, we went up along the river trying to find a good fording place.

Closer to its glacier source, the river become wider and, consequently, shallower. It was easy to cross it here, and keep our feet relatively dry.

Peak on the right is the one we are heading to. Actually, it is higher then one on the left, it seems opposite because of perspective.

We started to climb.

At first, we went through grass and rocks, and through nasty scree then.

On the top, looking around.

The other side of the peak is a wall, near vertical. Many mountains here are like this peak – one side is walking hillside, another one – vertical drop.

Altitude here is about 2700 meters, glaciers are around, but the flowers are blooming still.

Frozen on the top, under icy wind we start descending.

Coming back to blooming alpine meadows.

Saffron milk caps! The forest is full of these.

On our way down we picked up full jacket of mushrooms for supper.

We fried a huge pot of mushrooms.

We forgot to take an axe and a saw. Well, it is impossible to remember everything. In this swamp, where were a lot of dry small spruces, we made the fire just from whole trunks. It was warm…

To be continued:
Day five
Day six
Day seven -Sentinel Pass
Sentinel Pass – Ground Squirrel
Rockies Fungi

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