Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – fungi

Rocky Mountains previous:
Day one
Day two
Ground squirrel
Day three
Day four – first half
Day four – second half
Day five
Day six
Day seven -Sentinel Pass
Sentinel Pass – Ground Squirrel

Here is a collection of selected examples of mushrooms from my Rockies trip.

I cannot find name specifically for these apollos. Does anybody knows?

Strap-shaped Coral aka Clavariadelphus ligula. It grows on conifer needles. You can eat it, if you are really hungry.

The relative of ones mentioned above. Pestle-shaped Coral aka Clavariadelphus pistillaris.
Edible, by the way.

Irregular Earth Tong aka Neolecta irregularis. Mysterious mushroom, not a lot of known about it.

Orange-cap boletus.

Scaly Tooth aka Hydnum imbricatum. I’ve never seen them in British Columbia, but here, near Mount Robson, there are plenty of them. Edible, if you don’t mind strong smell.

Yellow-tipped Coral aka Ramaria formosa. It is beautiful, isn’t it? It is poisonous, but not terribly, you may survive.

Veiled Trich aka Tectella patellaris.

Saffron milk caps!

Wrinkled Thimble-cap aka Verpa bohemica. It is edible, but you shall cook it proper way, otherwise you get problems with muscles coordination for several days. Do you need it?

This concludes the story of the trip to Rockies.

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