Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – Marmots

Rocky Mountains previous:
Day one
Day two
Ground squirrel

These marmots live on the plateau near the Snowbird Pass. We saw three of them.
The first one grazed on the meadow and demonstrated ignorance by stubbornly facing its heavy bottom on me.

The second one, obviously younger and more cautious, lurked in the bushes.

The third one sat on the watch stone, proud as a king on the throne, but as we approached quickly moved to behind the rock.

There was no real burrow under the rock, just a little whole in the ground, so we could see the nose under the stone. Teeth, actually.

If you are patient, and not trying to follow marmot into the burrow, it soon comes to wonder on you. They are very curios.

On the other side of marmot’s rock a dismayed ground squirrel tried to hide.

We left finally. Animals were happy.

To be continued:
Day three
Day four – first half
Day four – second half
Day five
Day six
Day seven -Sentinel Pass
Sentinel Pass – Ground Squirrel
Rockies Fungi

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