Rocky Mountains – Sentinel Pass – Ground Squirrel

Rocky Mountains previous:
Day one
Day two
Ground squirrel
Day three
Day four – first half
Day four – second half
Day five
Day six
Day seven -Sentinel Pass

Sentinel Pass is a home of shy chipmunk, and also of quirky golden squirrels. They are well aware of who the hikers are, and what of good they could bring.
It is going on reconnaissance.

Hey, guys-gals, I do know you have plenty of nuts. Don’t be nuts, feed me quickly!

At first, it carried nuts from us, ate behind the rock, and returned for new portion. It start taking food from hands right away.

But soon the squirrel realized that going away is wasting the time, so it started eating right on the place. Very quickly it lost its fear completely, and began to climb on my arms, on my head and on the camera, so that added complications to the photo-session.

While it’s paws and mouth are busy, it is possible to pet the belly. It is very soft.

It is very smart! 🙂 We taught it how to use the camera.
Here is the class.

Ground squirrel takes our group picture.

Who would pay me for the work?!

Hey, man, give me my paycheque the food! Now!


Farewell to the creature, both feeling happy.

To be continued:
Rockies Fungi

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