Rocky Mountains – August – day four (first half)

Rocky Mountains previous:
Day one
Day two
Golden squirrel
Day three

On the forth day we planed the radial hike to the Moose Pass and to any peak that would be pleased to accept us. Happy because of absence of rain, if not sun presence, we started with our plan early morning. We even managed to find the trail to the Pass only from third attempt, avoiding hours of walking thought the swamp.

At the beginning we went through bushed of dwarf birch and willow. There were rows, circles and meadows of mushrooms around us, most of them are saffron milky caps.

Alpine meadows have began soon after. They are blooming. Well, end of the August is the spring in these mountains.

There is a nice river on our left, and peaks around look nice as well, so we decided to try one of the peaks after the Moose Pass.

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